Feb 25, 2021
In this episode of StreetsTalksTo we are joined by Sassan Danesh, Managing Partner at Etrading Software and James Haskell the Business Operations Officer.
We discuss two major industry developments: the consolidated tape and developments in crypto asset trading. We delve deeper into the consolidated tape infrastructure challenges and operating models from the highest levels of governance down to some of the technical requirements concerning data and standardisation. We talk about rapid growth in crypto asset trading and the opportunities that may be missed if considered discussions are left unaddressed. We also discover Sassan and James’ fascinating views on regulation, or lack thereof, in the crypto asset trading world.
Etrading Software is an independent global provider of technology led solutions. They design, build and operate technology for the front office, fixed income OTC markets, helping clients keep full governance and control using transparent and vendor neutral solutions Etrading Software has a proven record of working with consortia through a mutualised approach to design, implement and operate technology-based services - from incubation to execution - that help solve common challenges faced by the industry.